
Criticism vs. Complaint
May 18, 2020

In the past two months, we have been in close quarters with our partners and noticed some cute and some not so cute habits of theirs… Or maybe things were rocky before sheltering in place, and now those issues...

How To Establish Healthy Personal Boundaries: Part 1
April 8, 2020

This topic may seem a little strange given the circumstances the world is currently facing, but given the forced personal boundaries that have become a must to help stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought I would...

Home from College
April 6, 2020

The Coronavirus has changed how most of us conduct our day to day life and most of us found ourselves trying to quickly adapt to many fast changes. If you are a college student, you may find yourself in...

Under One Roof: Managing Family Dynamics During COVID-19
April 3, 2020

As many of us are now all at home, you may notice that your family dynamic has been magnified. This can be both positive and negative, but either way, it can be highly stressful. Whether you have small children...

The Power of Music and Dance
March 31, 2020

Most of us love music and find ourselves singing or dancing along when our old favorite songs come through our radios. Almost everyone can think of times music and dance has positively impacted their lives. It can send shivers...

How to Manage Our Household Anxieties
March 30, 2020

So here we are, still at home with school remaining out, all due COVID-19 and keeping each other healthy and safe. Yet, how do we keep our household happy and calm with everyone home and getting annoyed? We have...

Five Tips To Find Some Normalcy During A Not-So-Normal Time
March 24, 2020

“This all feels so surreal”, “weird”, or “uncertain of the future” are just a few phrases that I have (virtually) heard over the past week from loved ones. Our beloved pets are so happy that we are constantly home...

De-escalating Situations with a Child
March 18, 2020

Do you have a child that is constantly “Acting out” or participating in “undesirable behaviors”? What if there is secondary gain involved? How can I tell the difference between if a child needs more attention or if there is...

Helping Your Middle Schooler Be Safe in a Technological World
March 18, 2020

Middle school is a time in your child’s life where they will embark in curiosity like never before. Middle schoolers are constantly growing, changing, and exploring; and in 2020, times are different, as most interactions with each other are...

Body Appreciation and How to Compliment Others
February 3, 2020

How do we show our appreciation for our children? We may show up to support them at their softball games and chorus recitals, give hugs and pats on the back after they’ve had a long day, or express words...