Helpful Articles

Normal Anxiety vs. Problematic Anxiety
February 4, 2019

What can be normal anxiety in our kids and what leans towards problematic? Let’s first discuss what is normal through different developmental ages of children. This is called “normal” because as children grow, they are placed in new situations...

Caring for Your Aging Parent
January 28, 2019

Assuming the position of caretaker to the person whom you have depended on for a lifetime is both physically and emotionally overwhelming. Every family’s specific situation is unique, yet we all face many of the same challenges. Listed below...

Leaning In to Life
January 14, 2019

Have you ever been on a boat when the rocking of the waves pulls your body from side to side; when the force of the water is strong enough to control you, dragging you whichever way it chooses, and...

What Truly is Anxiety and is My Child Going Through a Phase?
January 7, 2019

Anxiety has become a hot topic for us to talk about but the truth is we can all experience it on some level. We think of anxiety as worrying about a certain situation and outcome to the point that...

Grieving the Loss of a Loved One During the Holidays
December 31, 2018

  As we approach the end of the year, the atmosphere seems to change: the air gets cooler; the lights seem brighter; and there tends to be a certain level of merriment. For some people, this time of the...

Managing Food Fears during the Holidays
December 24, 2018

Holidays mean a variety of things – family, friends, joy, parties, holiday meals, and even heightened anxiety if you’re struggling with food fear, body image concerns, or disordered eating. Gatherings that are centered on food can quickly create feelings...

“Empty Nest” Transition – What’s Next?
December 17, 2018

The transition to an “empty nest” from a full one is a big one, to say the least.  While parents know the end goal is to help support their children become independent adults, the experience of their leaving home...

To Trust or Not To Trust…. That is the Question
December 10, 2018

Have you ever passed up potential friendships and opportunities to be part of a group because you were afraid you wouldn’t be accepted, or you would wind up getting hurt?  Have you ever trusted someone too quickly only to...

Finding the “We” by Holding onto Hope
December 3, 2018

Sometimes it can feel as though we live in a country that is becoming more and more divided. Turning on the news comes with an emotional assault and reminder that there is always an “us” and a “them”. More...

Could Boundaries Actually Be the Best Way of Loving People?
November 29, 2018

I don’t know about you, but I always thought of boundaries as “selfish” or “harsh.” But what if boundaries are actually a way of loving people well? Bear with me here, what if the word “boundaries” is actually synonymous...