Mental Health

Motivation & How to Increase It 
December 13, 2021

One of the difficulties we all face in life at some point is low motivation. Whether this be for work, school, relationships, physical or mental health, or that one specific task we nearly loathe doing (clean dishes in the dishwasher that...

Is This Normal?
November 4, 2021

One of my favorite quotes on relationships is: “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one” by C.S. Lewis. Friendships, and relationships in general, can...

How to Take Time Away from Your Phone
November 2, 2021

2009: I had a flip phone. It was only my second year using a phone, but I was obsessed with it- the way it felt in my hand, the rhythm of flipping it open to text, even just the comfort of having...

How to Maintain Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season and a Pandemic
November 1, 2021

The holiday season can be a joyful time for many, but this time of year may increase people’s symptoms who experience mental health diagnoses. The holiday season can cause a lot of stress and isolation for many people. Individuals...

Setting Boundaries & Self-Care
October 19, 2021

“Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” – Prentis Hemphill In a world becoming more focused on mental health, we often hear the terms “boundaries” and “self-care” without much context into what these...

Metaphor: The Book of Your Life – Part 1: An Introduction
October 1, 2021

In my practice, I often use metaphors to illustrate many truths which can be applied in people’s lives to promote understanding, healing or enrichment.  One of my favorite metaphors, which underpins several others, is the notion of the “book”...

Adding Self-love to Your Daily Routine
August 9, 2021

Sometimes loving yourself can seem like a rollercoaster. Putting love and energy back into yourself seems like something that would come automatically in our daily lives, but many people struggle with self-love.  We sometimes let the negative thoughts take over and consume how...

Self-Care: Hitting the Pause Button
July 20, 2021

An essential part to maintaining wellness and mental health is practicing regular self-care. Self-care is a popular topic and blogged about many times before, but for good reason. We all have responsibilities that can easily crowd out the time...

How to Prepare for Counseling
July 20, 2021

Going to counseling may bring up all different kinds of emotions for you. You may be anxious, excited, nervous, or scared. Whatever you may or may not be feeling… it is completely alright! You are welcome to counseling! In...

How to Show Up for Your Suicidal Loved One
July 20, 2021

When someone you love expresses to you their deep emotional pain or shares their thoughts of suicide, it can be extremely difficult. People experiencing such emotions are vulnerable and need their support network to show up for them in...