Parents & Parenting

4 Parent Tools for Teenage Depression
November 18, 2016

  Finding out that your teenager is struggling with depression can feel like you were hit over the head by a ton a bricks. You feel confused, sad, and scared. A lot of parents feel unsure of what to...

Five ADHD Home Remedies
August 16, 2016

Whether your child has been officially diagnosed with ADHD/ADD or just shows certain ADHD/ADD tendencies, there are certain strategies you can try to get your child through a challenging school year. Structure and routine As parents we have to...

Starting Kindergarten with a Bang!
August 4, 2016

Sending your baby off to big kid school for the first time can be daunting, emotional and exciting all at the same time. Starting kindergarten is a major milestone in every child’s life so it’s important to make that...

Want Kids to Succeed? Teach Them Focus
June 28, 2016

Reprinted from Daniel Goleman, on LinkedIn. In my previous post, I mentioned Clifford Nass’s research at Stanford that shows multitasking reduces our ability to concentrate. And, I shared the good news that recent research by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers Thomas...

Talking to Kids about Divorce
June 23, 2016

  I can recall being 5 years-old and asking my mom and dad, what seemed like 99 questions, such as, “Why are we moving?”, “Why do I have to go to a new school?”, or “Why can’t we spend...

5 Tips to Prep Your Teen for High School
June 7, 2016

The move from middle school to high school can be a significant change that involves a lot of adjustments for teenagers including meeting new people, attending different classes, getting used to new teachers, and most of all – going...

An Outside Influence
March 7, 2016

For many parents of teens, they may look back fondly on earlier days of parenthood when their children were younger and could be easily persuaded to make the right decision. Young children often have a very clear motivation for...

Parenting & Technology
February 15, 2016

Do you feel overwhelmed by how to manage technology as a family? If so, you are definitely not alone. I frequently have parents asking me how to use technology in a way that is beneficial, but that also creates...

Supporting a Teen with a Mental Illness
February 8, 2016

Your son or daughter was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and you took them to see a therapist – now what? As your role shifts from being a parent, to parent of a teen struggling with a mental illness, there...

Teach Your Kids to Swim
February 8, 2016

If your child is struggling with anxiety he is likely feeling panicked over projects, staying up late with homework, or lacking the motivation to even get out of bed to get to school. Of course, every parent knows that...