Parents & Parenting

Executive Function and the Regulation of Emotion in Development
October 29, 2018

Mastery of the regulation of one’s emotions is a life-long process.  Psychiatrist Erik Erikson (1959) posited that humans must go through eight stages of social-emotional development as they mature into early adulthood and then on to later adulthood.1  Each...

Teen Interest
October 22, 2018

Watching your teenager struggle with life’s difficulties can be challenging.  Not knowing how to help can prove to be even harder.  If your teenager is having difficulty in school or extra-curricular activities, or is struggling in relationships, therapy might...

5 Fun and Engaging Ways to Boost Your Child’s Confidence
October 1, 2018

Every parent dreams of having a child who is brimming with confidence and healthy self-esteem. While some children just seem to have a natural born confidence, most of them need a little boost and parents can and should be...

How to Get your Teen Invested in Therapy
September 13, 2018

Watching your teenager struggle with life’s difficulties can be challenging.  Not knowing how to help can prove to be even harder.  If your teenager is having difficulty in school or extra-curricular activities, or is struggling in relationships, therapy might...

The Art (not science) of Effective Discipline
April 30, 2018

Discipline can be a touchy subject.  Everyone has an opinion and a story to back up their opinion but there isn’t one cookie-cutter approach that will work for every child.  Even within one family, siblings may require something different...

Dyslexia and ADHD: The Importance of Psycho-Educational Assessment
March 16, 2018

Parents of children struggling in elementary and middle school often wonder whether their child has dyslexia or an attention deficit.  Psycho-educational testing is important for differential diagnosis of cognitive and academic difficulties, as well as for the development of...

Tackling ADHD at Home
November 29, 2017

The first 8 weeks of school have finally come and gone and it’s time for that first parent-teacher conference.  It’s going really well until you hear those dreaded comments about your precious kid- “They’re having a really hard time...

6 Tips to Prepare for When Your College Student Come Home
November 28, 2017

With the holidays approaching, parents can often experience a mix of emotions, especially when their kids come home for the holidays. Parents often imagine having multiple conversations with their college student about his/her classes, new friends, and campus life....

Coping Ahead for the Holiday Season
November 21, 2017

Whether you have lost a child to cancer or your child is undergoing cancer treatment, the upcoming holiday season will not be typical of the holidays you have experienced in the past.  It is important and extremely helpful to...

Social Media Guide for Parents
September 13, 2017

It can be difficult to keep up with the latest apps that kids are using. Just when you get the hang of how to talk to your kids about text messaging, they’ve moved on to Instagram or Snapchat. If...