Parents & Parenting

How to Protect Your Child from the Pain of Divorce
September 29, 2010

Helpful tips to assist with the divorce process, and to protect your child's emotional wellbeing, and ensure a smooth transition for your family.

Synthetic Marijuana Testing is HERE!
September 10, 2010

Synthetic marijuana, K-2,Serenity, Spice,Genie, Smoke,Pot-pourri,Buzz, Hush, and other names are used to describe a drug alternative to marijuana.  It is sold on the street and used in our community by young people.  “Spice”, one of the more familiar names, is...

An Overview of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
June 7, 2010

Tommy is a sweet and sensitive child, but he has never liked school.  From the time he was in kindergarten, he was always in trouble for his impulsive behavior.  He seems incapable of slowing down his internal motor and...