Stephen Walters

“Why Am I So Angry?” Part I
March 18, 2020

Have you ever gotten angry and you didn’t really know why? You know, the car in front of you is only going 5 mph OVER the speed limit and you are ready to start a fight. Or, the cashier...

You Don’t Have to Be Alone
March 9, 2020

September 10, 2019 was World Suicide Prevention Day. I work with many clients that deal with trauma and/or depression. I’ve worked with many clients that have contemplated or attempted suicide. Previous to my career as a counselor, I have...

You Are Enough
July 29, 2019

“You are enough” is one of my most loved and most hated phrases. On the one hand, it can be very assuring. It can be the phrase that keeps you from comparing yourself to other people, especially unrealistic images...

Anxiety is a Powerful Word
October 20, 2017

We all experience anxiety from time to time. Sometimes, it’s the simple feeling of trying to remember if you got all the items on the grocery list as you drive home from the store. Sometimes it’s the overwhelming sensation...