Teen Issues

Executive Function: What is it and why is it important for academic achievement?
September 24, 2015

Executive function is a domain of cognitive ability that is comprised of a number of distinct yet related skills, including working memory, abstract planning, sustained attention, and mental flexibility.  The executive function system allows for the regulation, control, and...

The skinny on eating disorders
August 11, 2015

Eating disorders are a prevalent issue among females and males. It’s a type of mental illness that is stigmatized and often misunderstood. In fact, individuals who struggle with eating disorders frequently report feeling judged by peers and feeling scared...

Beating the Back-To-School Worries
August 11, 2015

When the summer ends, some kids get excited about transitioning back to their school year routines, while children who struggle with anxiety start to face their worries about school again. Here are a few tips that you can do...

Back To School Bootcamp
July 22, 2015

As summer (sadly) begins to wind down, more and more parents are starting to think about helping their children transition back to school. Here are my top three tips for helping your child’s transition back to the classroom be...

Anxiety and Executive Function
July 8, 2015

Anxiety can affect a child’s functioning in many different aspects of his or her daily life.  While mild levels of stress can actually improve performance for some activities, clinically significant anxiety is detrimental to a child’s emotional well-being.  Chronic...

No Longer Wanting to Die (excerpt from New York Times)
June 5, 2015

No Longer Wanting to Die By Will Lippinscott New York Times – May 16, 2015 After decades of therapy and in patient hospitalization, Mr. Lippincott describes his experience of being suicidal and how dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) gave him...

Should I Get My Child Tested for ADHD?
October 27, 2014

A child’s eyes dart from one part of the classroom to another. He blurts out answers before his name is called by his teacher. He fidgets with his hands and will not keep his legs still while seated. He...

Teen Drug Addiction: It’s mushrooming out of control
October 20, 2014

In today’s society, kids are experimenting with everything at much earlier ages:  drugs and sex being the most prevalent and widely linked together. Parents commonly believe that street drugs draw the kids into chemical addiction, but the real gateway...

Confidence Goes a Long Way In Deterring a Bully
March 3, 2013

In case you missed it, the Anderson Cooper 360º documentary, “The Bully Effect,” is re-airing Sunday night at 8pm on CNN. AC360º follows the lives of three families since they were featured in Lee Hirch’s film, Bully. The presence...

Help, my teenager is driving me crazy!
February 7, 2012

Adolescence is a transitional period in the human life span, linking childhood and adulthood. Numerous changes are happening between 12 and 18 years of age. Sometimes these changes begin as early as 10 years old. Often competent parents who...