
3 Tips to Listen to Your Spouse Better
January 20, 2021

You never listen to me! Have you ever heard that statement from your spouse in the middle of a heated argument? Are the two of you constantly arguing about the same things all the time? Want to know how...

Positive Parenting: Setting Limits with your Child
January 11, 2021

Whether your child or children express it or not, rules and limits are good for them. Children thrive off consistency, and a great way to help provide consistency to your child is when you are setting limits for them....

How to Help Your Anxious Child
January 8, 2021

Hello all! A lot of the adults I see suffer from variations of anxiety and struggle to cope with it effectively. It is potentially even more frustrating for kids who have anxiety to develop the coping skills to process...

New Year, Same High Expectations
January 1, 2021

At the end of every year, we can be sure that a new year is coming soon. We can also be sure that talk of resolutions will be coming as well. New Year’s resolutions can provide an exciting change....

Family Connection
December 9, 2020

In today’s society, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. There can be so many “to-do’s” that distract us from being with each other and truly connecting. You may ask yourself, “How can...

Returning to the School Building
October 16, 2020

Kids have been out of school for almost 7 months and families are now figuring out if, and when, their kids will return to school. The uncertainty of “what is best” can cause stress on families. Changes and transitions...

Building Habits of Connection into Your Marriage
October 2, 2020

All throughout our lives we are coached on the subject of establishing good and healthy habits for ourselves like: making our bed, brushing our teeth, eating well. But even with all that coaching and effort, keeping up with a...

Qualities in a Healthy Relationship
October 2, 2020

We all have different experiences with relationships throughout our lives. They can range from healthy to unhealthy to even abusive in some cases. Sometimes when our relationship history has more unhealthy and abusive moments rather than healthy, it can...

Preparing Our Kids for Virtual Schooling
July 29, 2020

This year has been full of many changes for people of all ages. School as our kids have known it has taken a dramatic change and the changes are going to keep coming. So how do we prepare them...

Helping Kids Cope with Anxiety During COVID-19
July 29, 2020

The news, statistics, numbers…the outlets for negative information are endless. It’s important for us to find ways to avoid these negative information sources that are meant to inform us, but usually go beyond that to a point of scaring...