Men’s Wellness

July 9, 2024

Being nervous about something can be healthy. It provides the energy to focus on what we are doing and moves us to complete a task or solve a problem. Sometimes, that nervousness grows out of control into anxious feelings...

Strategies to Manage Symptoms of Depression
July 9, 2024

Living with depression can be incredibly challenging, but there are effective strategies that can make a significant difference in managing its symptoms. First, establishing a routine can provide stability and a sense of control, which can be helpful with...

Vulnerability Factors
April 22, 2024

All of us have times where we react differently than others. The same thing can happen one day, and I react very differently than I would to that thing on another day. Have you ever caught yourself wondering, “why...

Thriving Through Seasons: Navigating Emotions and Goals at Work
April 3, 2024

As winter blooms into spring, and spring turns to summer, the world awakens with vibrant energy and numerous possibilities. Beyond the chirping birds and blooming flowers lies a business landscape ripe for growth. As a former sales and marketing...

Five Quick Tools to Alleviate Stress at Work
April 3, 2024

In today’s fast-paced work environment, it’s crucial to have quick and effective strategies to alleviate stress. Below are five tools you can use in around ten minutes to improve your mental health during a work break, starting with STOP,...

The Practice of Hope
April 3, 2024

George Washington University developed a series of “Hope Modules” that are designed to support people through severe illness. The purpose of these modules is to practice hope in concrete, intentional ways when you are in a difficult situation in...

Brain Health as Aging Adults
February 26, 2024

The notion that brains continue to develop through age 25 has been popularized in social media and popular news outlets. While it seems that the Prefrontal Cortex does continue to mature until that time, the entire brain continues to...

Living with Guilt vs Living with Gusto
February 26, 2024

A few years ago, I intercepted one of my sons as he was descending the staircase and heading outside. He explained, with a guilty expression on his face, that he was going to go outside to smoke a cigarette....

This Didn’t Take God by Surprise
February 26, 2024

So often, our circumstances seem to sway the level of contentment and joy we experience in our life. Every day, I hear of some circumstance that has turned someone’s world upside down. Cancer (their own, their child’s, their life...

The Fewest Words
January 16, 2024

As a therapist, but also a human being who was not blessed with the most loving of families growing up, I find myself often giving to others more than I give back to myself. Like so many others, I...