Men’s Wellness

Men Have Emotion Regulation Needs, Too
April 6, 2023

7-Minute Read As a male therapist, I’m constantly surprised by my own hesitancy to ask for help. I know personally the benefits from checking my thoughts, regulating my emotions, and opening up to someone I trust about my inner...

Decision Making 101
April 6, 2023

1. Clarify your goals: Identify what you want to achieve and why it is important. What do you want to be left with when you have accomplished the goal? How do you want to feel? Having clear goals can...

The Importance of Community for Young Adults
March 14, 2023

As a society, we are lonelier than we’ve ever been. According to a study from the Survey Center on American Life in 2019, almost 50% of all Americans reported having less than 3 close friends, up from 25% reporting...

The 5 Senses Technique for Self-Regulation
March 14, 2023

When feeling overwhelmed and upset, it can be hard to calm down and think through your situation. I often recommend a mindfulness technique that uses the five senses to help you calm yourself when you’re feeling dysregulated. It’s simple:...

The Intersection of Faith Communities and Mental Health
March 8, 2023

By Cathy Murphy, Director of Community Outreach Many people with mental health conditions, including suicide risk, often turn first to their faith community for help. On Thursday, March 30th the North Fulton Mental Health Collaborate will lead a panel...

Easy Tips to Overcome Procrastination
February 24, 2023

Procrastination often gets a bad rap. It is viewed as lazy, having a lack of organization, poor prioritization, or bad time management. But sometimes the pressure is what motivates someone to get the work done. Others have their thoughts...

Resiliency for Adults
January 17, 2023

Resiliency can be a buzzword for many. What does it mean? Well, Webster defines resiliency as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to adversity or change.” In counseling, we look at things like resiliency factors for our...

Boundaries for Working at Home
January 17, 2023

Before COVID changed everything in 2020, some people worked from home. Before COVID affected our work environment, many never wanted to work from home. Now, working from home is more common and accepted. According to the US census data,...

Healing from Divorce
January 17, 2023

The old Greek poet named Menander said, “Time is the healer of all necessary evils.” More modern authors have altered the proverb, “Time heals all wounds.” Just because something is a proverb does not make it true. Some researchers...

Healing from Disordered Eating
October 12, 2022

How many people will struggle with an eating disorder during their lifetime? It’s a more complicated question than you might think. Since the vast majority of people with eating disorders either never seek formal treatment for their disorder or...