Men’s Wellness

Secrets Destroy
August 5, 2022

There is a big difference between privacy and secrecy. Privacy is when someone goes into the bathroom, locks the door, and comes out 5 minutes later. Everyone knows what you’re doing, you just did it with no eyes watching,...

How to Determine the Best Level of Care for Me
July 25, 2022

There are many different types and levels of mental health care, and it is easy to get frustrated or even know where to start. I enjoy speaking with my clients to determine what care is best for them. Sometimes...

Caring for Elderly Parents
July 25, 2022

By original design, parents are there to guide their children, to teach them, and to advise them through the various stages of life. Children look to their parents for wisdom to overcome the challenges of life. When parents age,...

A Tenuous Marriage
July 12, 2022

Faith and mental health have more than once been at odds with each other. It is commonly said that we are mind, body, and soul. I’ve also heard it said that we are one complete being, so inextricably put...

‘Why does it feel like I am always so much unhappier than everyone else?’
July 12, 2022

‘Why does it feel like I am always so much unhappier than everyone else?’ This is a frustration that therapists hear quite often. But why is it almost a universal experience that we are in a constant state of...

Caring for an Elderly Parent – Caregiver Burnout
June 30, 2022

For most adult children, being able to care for an elderly parent is a privilege. Knowing that you are giving back to someone who has given so much to you can be rewarding. However, if you have limited time...

Rest Routine
June 22, 2022

Memorial Day has come and gone, and summer is upon us. This season has a way of disrupting our routines. Summer jobs and internships are in full swing, camps have started, ended, and started again, vacations are booked, and...

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Living a Meaningful Life
June 22, 2022

Living a rich, full, and meaningful life. Discovering and chasing after the things you value. Not allowing your mental health symptoms to get in the way of doing the things that are important to you. All of these are...

Toxic Relationships Part 4: How to Combat Emotional Abuse
May 9, 2022

For the final part of this series, we will discuss responses and ways to combat emotional abuse and gaslighting. As stated previously, the best-case scenario would be to remove yourself from any situation or relationship where this is occurring....

Toxic Relationships Part 3: Examples of Gaslighting in Emotional Abuse
May 9, 2022

Emotional abuse comes in many forms. Often, it can be hard to recognize. It is worth noting that emotional abuse can occur at any time, around friends, family, or in private. It is important to be able to recognize...