Couples & Relationships

A Quick and Easy Technique to Improve Marital Communication
January 31, 2011

Do the arguments between you and your spouse quickly disintegrate into a heated battle without any chance of reaching a win/win conclusion?  Check to make sure that a harsh start up is not dooming you to failure. A harsh...

How Good Arguments Are Good For Your Health and Can Save Your Marriage
January 26, 2011

What makes a good marriage last? According to the best evidence provided by case studies and well-documented research (most prominent that of Dr. John Gottman), the best chances of success are within marriages where the spouses can provide a...

Marriage: Beating the Odds
January 13, 2011

Most recently I have found myself reflecting on the sacredness of marriage. At the center of my home is my parents’ wedding picture.  It is an ever-present reminder to my family of the central value and purpose of marriage....

When Happily Ever After Becomes We’re Like Room Mates
June 7, 2010

A common complaint voiced by marriage partners goes like this: We’ve grown apart and we’re more like room mates than best friends. If marriage is suppose to be growing in love together over the years, what happens that leads...