Helpful Articles

Why Self-Care?
September 22, 2020

Are you worn out? Stressed? Overwhelmed by the day-to-day schedules and to-do lists? In our society today, it can be hard to slow down and take time for yourself. Culture says do more and get after it! However, if...

Resetting the Household Through the Fall
August 10, 2020

Who thought we would still be social distancing, wearing masks, or not returning to work or school right now? It has been a huge adjustment to have our kids home all day and try to entertain them. Lots of...

How to Establish Healthy Personal Boundaries: Part 2
July 9, 2020

Welcome back! I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. Today I will be finishing up my discussion on how to establish healthy personal boundaries. I do hope that part one was beneficial to you and that this...

Summer Break and Covid-19
June 29, 2020

One of the most exciting parts of the year is here for students. Summer! Going to camp, hanging out with friends, and family trips are just a few of the things that Summer brings. However, our world has completely...

How to Encourage Social Skills with your Children
June 1, 2020

The phrase “social skills” is how we describe interactions in relationships that can be verbal or nonverbal behaviors that communicate our thoughts and feelings. Verbal expressions can be a statement by the child of “I don’t care” or constant...

Teens and Vaping
May 25, 2020

Vaping is a trend that has been on the rise recently, specifically for adolescents in middle school and high school. This trend of using various types of e-cigarettes is an addictive process that more adolescents are engaging in or...

Criticism vs. Complaint
May 18, 2020

In the past two months, we have been in close quarters with our partners and noticed some cute and some not so cute habits of theirs… Or maybe things were rocky before sheltering in place, and now those issues...

Bullying in Middle School
May 18, 2020

We often hear this word being thrown around but what is bullying really? defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the...

The Trouble with Transition: Life After College
May 11, 2020

During my time as a therapist, I have noticed various trends and patterns. I have picked up on when the busy seasons are; what life stressors are universal; and what type of client I may have in session with...

“You’re Not Working from Home, You’re Home Working Through a Pandemic.”
April 20, 2020

This quote has been my mantra during this unpresented time of COVID-19. Every time I feel unmotivated, I remember this quote. Every time I reach for that extra cookie or pack of fruit snacks, I remind myself of this...