Helpful Articles

How to Talk to Kids About Vaping
April 13, 2020

  Use of JUUL and other highly addictive e-cigarettes is skyrocketing among young people. Doctors advise parents to start by educating themselves, so they know what they’re talking about going in, and to take an inquisitive and curious approach...

How To Establish Healthy Personal Boundaries: Part 1
April 8, 2020

This topic may seem a little strange given the circumstances the world is currently facing, but given the forced personal boundaries that have become a must to help stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought I would...

Under One Roof: Managing Family Dynamics During COVID-19
April 3, 2020

As many of us are now all at home, you may notice that your family dynamic has been magnified. This can be both positive and negative, but either way, it can be highly stressful. Whether you have small children...

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
April 3, 2020

The past few weeks have been surreal to say the least. With everything that has been going on, there have been a lot of fast changes, uncertainty, fear, and emotional stress. During this time, it is important to adjust...

The Power of Music and Dance
March 31, 2020

Most of us love music and find ourselves singing or dancing along when our old favorite songs come through our radios. Almost everyone can think of times music and dance has positively impacted their lives. It can send shivers...

Telehealth and VideoTherapy
March 30, 2020

Telehealth and teletherapy are two words we are hearing about more in today’s recent social climate. With limitations being set on in-person interactions, we are beginning to rely more and more on the ability to connect and communicate through...

How to Manage Our Household Anxieties
March 30, 2020

So here we are, still at home with school remaining out, all due COVID-19 and keeping each other healthy and safe. Yet, how do we keep our household happy and calm with everyone home and getting annoyed? We have...

Simple Ways to Stay Stimulated When Binge-Watching Gets Boring
March 27, 2020

Create a conversation jar Have everyone come up with lots of fun, silly or deep questions and place them in a jar. Take turns picking questions, and enjoy going down a fun rabbit hole of conversations! You might learn...

Calm During COVID-19
March 24, 2020

Preparing for something as significant as a pandemic is not usually something on our “to-do” lists. It’s normal to feel both a desire to stay informed and inundated with information all at the same time. It’s also not uncommon...

Working from Home – A Guide to Self-Care
March 23, 2020

Many people are working from home to practice social distancing in attempt to follow recommendations from the CDC to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Some of you may be used to working from home, but for others, this may...