Helpful Articles

Relieving Stress by Missing Class
November 26, 2019

As a clinician, one of the first things I hear from adults when speaking to them about school-based therapy is “but the student is missing class time” with an even bigger emphasis on missing academics. The rationale behind this...

October 28, 2019

As human beings, we value relationships and belonging. We want to be accepted and to be a part of communities that provide us with peace, security, and love. These desires are natural and the feeling of being connected to...

Video Games – How Much is Too Much?
September 30, 2019

We have all seen the rise and fall of trends in play in our children: slime, fidget spinners, and more, but what seems to stick around are video games. These games stick around because there is always something new...

How to Tackle Bedtime
September 23, 2019

Getting down a bedtime routine is like nailing the perfect recipe. In order to have a successful, stress-free, bedtime there are a few keys ingredients that go a long way when it comes to sweet dreams. Consistency Try to...

Back to School Blues
June 3, 2019

It’s that time of year! School is back in session! Excited students shuffle down the hallway in new shoes, hands gripping the straps of their new backpacks. School supplies are new and crisp, waiting to be put to use...

June 3, 2019

School is out and SUMMER is finally here! Summer is the perfect time to build your child’s coping skills! So why not start with mindfulness? Mindfulness is magical. So here is the easy recipe for helping your kids understand...

The Mask of Anger
May 13, 2019

“Why is my teen so angry?” is a common question raised by parents as their previously even-tempered child’s mood starts to vacillate between apathy and moodiness. This period can be particularly challenging for parents who are resolved to believe...

Cultivating Wholehearted Living
April 29, 2019

  Are you looking for more joy and happiness in your life?  Do you sometimes struggle looking for meaning and purpose?  Are you going through a transition and attempting to reevaluate priorities?  Do you want to create a life...

What Really Happens In the Play Room
April 22, 2019

  I often get questions about play therapy like, “Are you just playing games?” “How is this different from kids playing at home or at school?” etc. The answer to those questions are always “We are doing so much...

6 Self Care Tips to Reduce Stress
April 15, 2019

  You can’t always control what stress life brings your way, but you can control how you choose to take care of yourself to reduce the tension you experience during those difficult times. Indulging in self-care helps you build...