Mental Health

Free Wellness Webinars To Expand Your Mental Health Knowledge
March 27, 2020

Summit counseling is dedicated to adapting with the changes, and continues to offer therapeutic services & community education as COVID-19 impacts the world. We have quickly incorporated Telemental Health services for our clients, so they can continue to receive...

Five Tips To Find Some Normalcy During A Not-So-Normal Time
March 24, 2020

“This all feels so surreal”, “weird”, or “uncertain of the future” are just a few phrases that I have (virtually) heard over the past week from loved ones. Our beloved pets are so happy that we are constantly home...

Calm During COVID-19
March 24, 2020

Preparing for something as significant as a pandemic is not usually something on our “to-do” lists. It’s normal to feel both a desire to stay informed and inundated with information all at the same time. It’s also not uncommon...

Tips for Maintaining Relationships During COVID-19
March 23, 2020

During COVID-19, most of us find ourselves away from our friends and family. We may be social distancing with our immediate families, but we are now missing the daily connections with others. Social distancing is extremely important as we...

Working from Home – A Guide to Self-Care
March 23, 2020

Many people are working from home to practice social distancing in attempt to follow recommendations from the CDC to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Some of you may be used to working from home, but for others, this may...

Mental and Emotional Flexibility in the Age of COVID-19
March 17, 2020

If you scroll through social media feeds, you’ll find a lot of advice about how to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic.  You may be told to take the virus and its effect on your physical health very...

Building Resiliency with Self-Care
December 2, 2019

A key way to maintain good behavioral health hygiene is to build resiliency into your daily life. Resilience is your ability to handle adversity – when life gives you lemons, are you face down on the floor or already...

Self-Care: Taking Care of Your Body
November 4, 2019

Self-care is doing activities to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Practicing self-care helps us reduce stress and manage our emotions better. Lack of self-care can lead to increased stress and illness overtime. While taking care...

October 28, 2019

As human beings, we value relationships and belonging. We want to be accepted and to be a part of communities that provide us with peace, security, and love. These desires are natural and the feeling of being connected to...

Taking Care of Your Mind by Taking Care of Your Body
October 14, 2019

As the weeks are progressing and the months turn into fall, I have been hearing from more and more of my clients about their stress level, study schedule, and difficulty managing everything they have to accomplish. It can be...