Mental Health

The Power of Therapy
April 28, 2017

There are a lot of reasons that people choose to seek counseling. The benefits of counseling can be unending, but sometimes making the first appointment can be hard. Maybe you’re thinking about whether it would be helpful, but are...

DBT – How it Helps Students
December 8, 2016

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is designed for individuals who need assistance with managing their emotions, increasing their tolerance for distress, and developing relationships with others.  DBT is a research supported, effective form of treatment for individuals with Borderline Personality...

4 Ways to Stay Mindful
September 7, 2016

Mindfulness is the practice of fully engaging in and being aware of the present moment, being nonjudgmental, and not clinging to moments including thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness helps lower anxiety, stress, and depression by enhancing an individual’s mind and...

Why Seek Counseling?
July 19, 2016

  Have you ever seen a piece of furniture that looked worn and damaged but at the same time was mysteriously beautiful? One that had dents and scratches from years of use, yet still had something redeemable about it?...

Body Image: Learning Love and Acceptance
July 7, 2016

The idea that every individual should be a certain size and weight greatly affects the way we look at ourselves in the mirror. The promotion of a tiny waistline leads to judgements, over exercising, feeling depressed and anxious, body...

The Mind Diet
June 16, 2016

It seems impossible these days to skim the news and not see one article pertaining to happiness.  Headlines professing the secret to a happy marriage or tips on how to get want you want are one in a million....

6 Signs that a Student is struggling with a Mental Illness
March 14, 2016

Anxiety and depressive disorders are the most diagnosed mental illness currently affecting people across the country, especially teenagers. Mental illness affects teenagers in many ways including their relationships, mood, energy levels, and academic performance. Every day, thousands of schools...

Parents Helping Teens
February 12, 2016

As adults, parents have a lot of experience handling situations that might feel distressing to a teenager. Teenagers do not have as much life experience which can make it difficult for them to choose skills to best work through...

Parity of Mental Health and Substance Use Benefits with Other Benefits: Using Your Employer-Sponsored Health Plan to Cover Services
February 11, 2016

If you are someone who is trying to figure out how to use your health coverage provided by your employer to pay for your mental health or substance use services – this sheet is for you. Your health plan...

Coping Strategies For Caregivers
November 3, 2014

There is no way to prepare in advance for being a caregiver for a family member with a serious illness. It’s simply not a role that we anticipate taking on. Unfortunately, severe illnesses and disabilities do happen. And the...