Teen Issues

How NOT to Talk to Someone With Anxiety
January 21, 2020

It has been my experience that usually when we respond to those who are struggling, we are all trying our best to be as empathetic and kind as possible to our friends and loved ones. While our intentions are...

What to Do When Feeling Defensive
January 20, 2020

Defensiveness is a factor dealt with in many relationships, whether it be constant trouble or a road block you encounter every now and then. We see defensiveness when we try to talk to someone about our feelings, experience, or...

Gaining Connection with Your Child
January 13, 2020

We are all busy, let’s face it. As adults we are working, parenting, and squeezing in “adult time”; and children are studying in school, doing activities after school, and playing with friends. With our busy schedules, we feel guilt...

How to be Available for Friends Experiencing Grief
January 7, 2020

In Early 2019 my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Three short months later she would pass away at the young age of 50. Only 6 months earlier my best friend’s mom was diagnosed with ALS which...

Teaching Your Child About Emotions
January 7, 2020

For the younger children and teenagers, emotions can be very confusing. At any given time, things and circumstances around us change, which sometimes makes us feel different. As many would say; emotions are like rollercoasters going up and down,...

Be the Change You Want to See In Your Communication
January 7, 2020

A common issue that I encounter in my work as a counselor is communication problems. Most of the time we think of communication problems being exclusive to couples or marital counseling, but the reality is communication problems can be...

Healthy New Year Resolutions
January 6, 2020

As the holidays come to an end and the new year approaches, you are probably beginning to make new year resolutions. I like new year resolutions; it’s healthy to explore and reflect on the ways you can be your best...

New Year’s Resolutions
January 1, 2020

The new calendar year is approaching, and for many this means resolutions! The beginning of a new year often signifies new chances and new opportunities for change and success. For many of us, the process goes something like this:...

How to Balance Connection & Boundaries During the Holiday Season
December 23, 2019

The holiday season can be filled with rich and joyous moments full of connection. The holiday season can also be filled with stress and overworking, trying to connect with family and friends and feeling overwhelmed and burdened in the...

‘Tis the Season for Sensitivity
December 19, 2019

While most professions do what they can to wind down as we near closer to Christmas and New Year’s Day, I’ve found myself ratcheting up with client crises here in the counseling world. See, I have the blessing and...