August 26, 2019

Summit Counseling just claimed GOLD…by achieving a recognition that only 0.5% of nonprofit organizations in the GuideStar nonprofit registry achieve – a Gold Seal of Transparency. Greater transparency means increased trust for donors & supporting entities such as foundations...

A Simple Fix to a Bad Day
August 26, 2019

  Have you ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Or maybe you feel irritable for unknown reasons and you can’t shake the feeling.  Marsha Linehan, the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and her team created a...

Make It Positive
August 19, 2019

  Often times when I’m meeting with parents for the first time to discuss therapy for their child, parents feel desperate for help and change as soon as possible, yet they understand that even with therapy it will take...

“I’m Not Yelling, You’re Yelling”: Top 5 Tips to Managing Conflict with Your Partner
August 12, 2019

Contrary to popular belief, conflict within a relationship is healthy. Conflict allows us to express our inner concerns and/or feelings and often leads to positive resolution. How you handle that conflict, however, typically results in one of two ways:...

Summit Counseling Partners with The SAM Foundation to Provide AMSR Training
August 1, 2019

  Summit Counseling partnered with The SAM Foundation to provided AMSR training (Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk) to 30 local clinicians. AMSR was designed to allow clinicians to challenge their personal biases, provide a framework to determine patients’ risk and to...

You Are Enough
July 29, 2019

“You are enough” is one of my most loved and most hated phrases. On the one hand, it can be very assuring. It can be the phrase that keeps you from comparing yourself to other people, especially unrealistic images...

Managing Your Body Image during Swimsuit Season
July 22, 2019

As spring break and summer nears, you may feel a little bit of body anxiety or insecurities creeping up. We have all heard phrases such as, “It’s swimsuit season, I need to diet” or “I need to work on...

Surviving Your Partner’s Depression
July 15, 2019

If your partner is suffering from depression, you may be feeling helpless, overwhelmed, frustrated and confused.  Trying to help may have left you feeling rejected, ignored or alone.  Your depressed partner needs love and support, but you alone cannot...

Anxiety: What to Do and Not Do
July 8, 2019

Anxiety seems to be a common word I hear at every age with my clients. It seems to be increasing in children, and adolescents. For parents I understand that sometimes it can be tricky navigating what to do and...