How to Protect Your Child from the Pain of Divorce
September 29, 2010

Helpful tips to assist with the divorce process, and to protect your child's emotional wellbeing, and ensure a smooth transition for your family.

The Science Behind Happiness
September 29, 2010

Up until the last decade psychology has focused on the diagnosis of mental illness, empirically proven  interventions that decrease symptoms, and medications that improve daily functioning. Thanks to this research there is hope for people suffering from a multitude...

Spirituality, Longevity and Stress Reduction
September 27, 2010

A recent article published on Medscape Internal Medicine reiterates research evidence showing that church attendance can affect well-being through social integration and...

Biopsychosocial Science of Stress
September 17, 2010

When science looks at stress, the focus is on the body/mind interaction or, more precisely, on its psychological and physiological mechanisms. Our genes and the environment in which we grow up (in which our genes are expressed) determine how we...

The EQ of Relationships
September 14, 2010

We’re social creatures, and the life best lived often depends on our ability to create and maintain healthy relationships. Success, happiness, and the ability to give and receive love all hinge on our relationship skills. Most of us do a good...

Synthetic Marijuana Testing is HERE!
September 10, 2010

Synthetic marijuana, K-2,Serenity, Spice,Genie, Smoke,Pot-pourri,Buzz, Hush, and other names are used to describe a drug alternative to marijuana.  It is sold on the street and used in our community by young people.  “Spice”, one of the more familiar names, is...

The #1 Reason Stress Is My Friend
September 9, 2010

Stress has been my friend for years. Not always a pleasant friend, and often an uncomfortable one—even downright painful, occasionally. Many times stress has come around with bad news, many times with good news, and always when something new,...

Top 10 Skills High Students Need to Be Developing To Be Prepared For College
June 7, 2010

As an educational consultant who spends 25% of her time touring colleges and meeting with admissions deans or committees, Leigh Anne Spraetz often hears what skills high school students need to spend more time developing. Here is her list...

Issues With Eating
June 7, 2010

Eating problems have lots of faces. Were you to look up emotional eater or yo-yo dieter in the dictionary you’d find my name. Every ebb and flow of life was punctuated with food. Without boring you with the details,...

What is Addiction?
June 7, 2010

So, what is Addiction anyway? I was recently doing a workshop on Understanding Addiction. During the workshop, a gentleman wondered out loud whether addiction to mind and mood altering substances is really a disease. His question gave other people,...