Parent-Child Relationships

What is Attachment Theory?
January 17, 2023

John Bowlby, a British psychologist, was the first to develop the concept of attachment theory. He described attachment as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings”. His primary interest was in understanding the bond between children and their primary...

When Parents Should Seek Therapy
January 17, 2023

Parents are likely to seek therapy for the obvious reasons of their child experiencing difficulties at home and school. Therapy is often a last resort after many ideas are applied. In the busyness of life, we all grow up...

The Impact of Separation and Divorce on Children
October 12, 2022

Separation and divorce is rarely easy for anyone involved, but it can be especially difficult for children regardless of age. Relationships end between couples all over the world, however, the United States has been labeled as the “leader” in...

How to Have Productive Discussions (Not Arguments!) with Your Child
July 25, 2022

Every parent has been there: You start with what seems like a simple request or question, and then, suddenly, you are in a screaming match with your child. How did it escalate to this? First and foremost, remember who...

Summer Slump
July 25, 2022

We are halfway through summer break. Are you starting to notice that your child has gone from being happy to be out of school and loving life to becoming more of a bored zombie around the house? Structure may...

Why Your Kids Don’t Want to Talk to You
July 25, 2022

In this line of work, we often hear frustrations from parents regarding what their kids are and are not doing. A common one is typically something along the lines of, “I can tell something is wrong, but they won’t...

12 Tips for Building Better Relationships with Your Children
July 12, 2022

Set aside time weekly to spend time engaging in an activity that your child enjoys. Praise positive behavior that your child exhibits. Research has shown that positive reinforcement can positively improve a child’s social skills and behaviors. Give compliments...

Preparing Your Child for Their First Therapy Session
June 30, 2022

You have decided to take your child to therapy. Awesome! However, there is a problem: Your child does not want to go. Some children may not want to go because they believe they do not need therapy. Some may...

Helping Your Child Managing Losing
June 30, 2022

Imagine this- you’ve planned a family game night and the kids have been looking forward to this all week. Pizza, M&M’s, soda! But only a few minutes in, you already have a kid who has stormed out after their...

How to Support Your LGBTQ+ Child
April 12, 2022

Having family support for your child identifying in the LGBTQ community can be beneficial to their overall mental health and physical health. Being accepted by your family can decrease mental health symptoms such as isolation, depression, anxiety, substance abuse,...