Stress & Emotions

All Arguments are not Created Equal
February 9, 2011

Arguments happen in all marriages, in fact they are necessary.  Conflicts  may arise because of  financial stresses, parenting issues and misunderstandings. Couples must face these daily disagreements in order to operate and function effectively.  However, there are forms of negativity in arguments that have been...

How Good Arguments Are Good For Your Health and Can Save Your Marriage
January 26, 2011

What makes a good marriage last? According to the best evidence provided by case studies and well-documented research (most prominent that of Dr. John Gottman), the best chances of success are within marriages where the spouses can provide a...

Understanding and Treating PTSD
December 29, 2010

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), regardless of its cause, takes a heavier toll than it is widely known on the mind and behavior of its victims. PTSD sufferers feel, think and behave as in a state of prolonged, and for...

Of Stress and the Mind
December 9, 2010

The way we perceive a situation, and decide whether it is positive or negative, is an active, continuing process of appraisal of the risks, costs, and likely gains of our possible responses. Three individuals may be stuck in traffic...

Depression – What it looks like and What to do about it
November 17, 2010

The following article discusses the symptoms of three common types of depression, as well as the value of a comprehensive depression screening.

Bullying: Much More Than ‘Just What Kids Do’
October 28, 2010

Is school becoming an increasingly dangerous place for our children’s mental and physical health? A study of 43,321 high school students confirms that student-on-student bullying has become a serious problem in public and private schools across the United States....

How to Assist Your Distressed Child
October 13, 2010

Want to help your child be more resilient, achieve greater academic success, be physically healthier, and have improved relationships? The five steps for becoming an Emotion Coach for your child and developing their Emotional Intelligence.

How Emotional Intelligence Helps
October 7, 2010

We’re social creatures, and the life best lived often depends on our ability to create and maintain healthy relationships. Success, happiness, and the ability to give and receive love all hinge on our relationship skills. Most of us do...

Talk therapy vs. Drugs for the treatment of Depression and Anxiety?
October 6, 2010

This article examines the best treatment approaches for depression and anxiety. The results are drawn from a large survey conducted by

Spirituality, Longevity and Stress Reduction
September 27, 2010

A recent article published on Medscape Internal Medicine reiterates research evidence showing that church attendance can affect well-being through social integration and...