Opioid Use, It’s Effects on Children, and How to Identify Misuse
April 25, 2023

On average, 130 Americans die from opioid overdose (including prescription- Oxycodone, Codeine, Morphine, and Fentanyl, and illicit opioids- heroine) EVERY DAY. This statistic affects the children in our community, as 2 million children annually have a parent who uses...

4 Things to Know Before Your Child Begins Therapy
April 6, 2023

As a parent, it can be difficult to navigate the world of therapy when your child is struggling. But with the right information and support, you can help your child get the most out of therapy and make meaningful...

What Should Parents Do When Their Child is Having Behavior Problems?
April 6, 2023

When children have frequent behavioral challenges that affect their ability to function at school or within the family, parents are often left feeling helpless. When children struggle with frequent temper tantrums, defiance, aggression, hyperactivity, or emotional outbursts that seem...

Parenting a Child with a Disability
April 6, 2023

Being the parent of a child with a disability is a challenging journey. From the first moment of diagnosis, whether at birth or later in development, parents are flooded with many different feelings; love for their child, concern for...

Men Have Emotion Regulation Needs, Too
April 6, 2023

7-Minute Read As a male therapist, I’m constantly surprised by my own hesitancy to ask for help. I know personally the benefits from checking my thoughts, regulating my emotions, and opening up to someone I trust about my inner...

Decision Making 101
April 6, 2023

1. Clarify your goals: Identify what you want to achieve and why it is important. What do you want to be left with when you have accomplished the goal? How do you want to feel? Having clear goals can...

Mastering the Test
March 14, 2023

As we enter the Spring season within schools, we enter the timeframe of the year where student testing occurs. For some students, the results of these tests mean the difference between being promoted to the next grade or being...

The Importance of Community for Young Adults
March 14, 2023

As a society, we are lonelier than we’ve ever been. According to a study from the Survey Center on American Life in 2019, almost 50% of all Americans reported having less than 3 close friends, up from 25% reporting...