The 5th Annual Summit Golf Classic
June 30, 2011

On Monday, June 20th, 2011, The Summit Counseling Center hosted its 5th Annual Summit Golf Classic at the Country Club of the South in Johns Creek, Georgia. The tournament was a great success with 93 golfers enjoying the sunshine,...

Getting a Divorce? Helpful Tips and Guidelines to Assist Your Kids
March 31, 2011

There can be such upheaval, emotional and physical, during the process of divorce for all family members. Here are some tips to assist your family and your kids, as you process and adjust to your new reality, and work...

Finding Balance in Preparing for College
February 28, 2011

Recently, I attended the first Georgia showing of Race to Nowhere: The Dark Side of America’s Achievement Culture, a documentary about the stress-filled, anxiety-provoking lifestyles many students face in high school today, while focusing heavily on the impending future of...

I’m Bored: Does This Mean I’m Stressed?
February 16, 2011

Boredom, like pain, is an entirely subjective experience mediated by personality, needs, wants, past history and contingent upon one’s perceptions of the experience, and thus very difficult to describe with precision and quantify. The state of boredom has been...

Creating meaning and purpose in the midst of change
February 14, 2011

Throughout life it is normal and expected to experience periods of time when we seem to be transitioning from one phase of life to another.  Life transitions can be joyful – like when we get married or become a...

All Arguments are not Created Equal
February 9, 2011

Arguments happen in all marriages, in fact they are necessary.  Conflicts  may arise because of  financial stresses, parenting issues and misunderstandings. Couples must face these daily disagreements in order to operate and function effectively.  However, there are forms of negativity in arguments that have been...

A Quick and Easy Technique to Improve Marital Communication
January 31, 2011

Do the arguments between you and your spouse quickly disintegrate into a heated battle without any chance of reaching a win/win conclusion?  Check to make sure that a harsh start up is not dooming you to failure. A harsh...

How Good Arguments Are Good For Your Health and Can Save Your Marriage
January 26, 2011

What makes a good marriage last? According to the best evidence provided by case studies and well-documented research (most prominent that of Dr. John Gottman), the best chances of success are within marriages where the spouses can provide a...

Marriage: Beating the Odds
January 13, 2011

Most recently I have found myself reflecting on the sacredness of marriage. At the center of my home is my parents’ wedding picture.  It is an ever-present reminder to my family of the central value and purpose of marriage....

Understanding and Treating PTSD
December 29, 2010

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), regardless of its cause, takes a heavier toll than it is widely known on the mind and behavior of its victims. PTSD sufferers feel, think and behave as in a state of prolonged, and for...