What to Expect When We Experience Loss
June 7, 2010

At some point in our lives, each of us will experience grief. Grief is an adjustment period that happens after any significant loss. We may experience grief from the loss of a family member or friend, the loss or...

An Overview of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
June 7, 2010

Tommy is a sweet and sensitive child, but he has never liked school.  From the time he was in kindergarten, he was always in trouble for his impulsive behavior.  He seems incapable of slowing down his internal motor and...

When Happily Ever After Becomes We’re Like Room Mates
June 7, 2010

A common complaint voiced by marriage partners goes like this: We’ve grown apart and we’re more like room mates than best friends. If marriage is suppose to be growing in love together over the years, what happens that leads...

Handling the Holy-days: Managing the Special Stresses of Christmas
June 7, 2010

1. Attitude and Expectations As with most things, handling the Holiday season begins not with to-do lists or your surroundings, but inside you with your spiritual, emotional, and mental attitude. To begin this inward preparation you may want to:...

Can I be Depressed?
June 7, 2010

Steve* found that he felt disconnected from his wife and two daughters. Sometimes he felt angry and would explode at whoever was near, but mostly he felt numb. He spent hours staring blankly at the television. But when he...

Anger Management: The Nature of Anger
June 7, 2010

Bruce*  is a 45-year-old professional person who suffers from anger management problems.  Bruce is married and has two children (a boy and a girl). To the outside world, Bruce is a nice, decent person. He is a good provider...

Top Ten Strengths and Experiences Colleges Look for in High School Students
May 26, 2010

(Based on a 2006-2007 survey of IECA member consultants) A rigorous high school curriculum that challenges the student and may include AP or IB classes. Grades that represent strong effort and an upward trend. However, slightly lower grades in...

Community of Faith
June 15, 2006

Cramped crisis pregnancy center to move By CANDICE HANNIGAN For the Journal-Constitution Published on: 06/15/06 Tracey Casale likens the current Beacon of Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center to the small manger in which Jesus was born. A miracle took place...