Mastering the Test
March 14, 2023

As we enter the Spring season within schools, we enter the timeframe of the year where student testing occurs. For some students, the results of these tests mean the difference between being promoted to the next grade or being...

The Importance of Community for Young Adults
March 14, 2023

As a society, we are lonelier than we’ve ever been. According to a study from the Survey Center on American Life in 2019, almost 50% of all Americans reported having less than 3 close friends, up from 25% reporting...

10 Tips to Boost your Child’s Self-Esteem
March 14, 2023

Wanting your child to grow and develop into a happy, confident individual is normal for many parents. Though this is a common goal for most parents, it’s not always clear how to help your child build their self-esteem. Put...

The 5 Senses Technique for Self-Regulation
March 14, 2023

When feeling overwhelmed and upset, it can be hard to calm down and think through your situation. I often recommend a mindfulness technique that uses the five senses to help you calm yourself when you’re feeling dysregulated. It’s simple:...

Why Play Therapy
March 14, 2023

If you have a child who is elementary age or younger and may be struggling with behavioral or emotional challenges, play therapy is likely the best fit for them. Play Therapy has been developed over the years as a...

The Intersection of Faith Communities and Mental Health
March 8, 2023

By Cathy Murphy, Director of Community Outreach Many people with mental health conditions, including suicide risk, often turn first to their faith community for help. On Thursday, March 30th the North Fulton Mental Health Collaborate will lead a panel...

Easy Tips to Overcome Procrastination
February 24, 2023

Procrastination often gets a bad rap. It is viewed as lazy, having a lack of organization, poor prioritization, or bad time management. But sometimes the pressure is what motivates someone to get the work done. Others have their thoughts...

How to Talk to Get Your Teen to Listen
February 6, 2023

Ever had a difficult time getting your teen to open up to you? Are they moody, and if you dare to ask what is wrong, all they say is “I don’t know”? The teen years are a time of...

The Spectrum of Blackness
February 6, 2023

By Mollie Innocent-Cupid, Deputy Executive Director In my last blog (Reflections of Colorblindness), I shared my reflections about seeing color. I asked some questions of you, specifically around how acknowledging or omitting race impact your shared personal and professional...

Reflections of Colorblindness
February 6, 2023

By Mollie Innocent-Cupid, Deputy Executive Director As we continue to celebrate Black History Month, I always find the urge to remind myself that Black History is American History. And if I’m being honest, and if I had it my...