Interpersonal Effectiveness: Receiving & Giving Validation
April 13, 2021

When we are running our DBT classes, a lot of clients will ask me what to expect with each specific group. One of the groups that we run is called Interpersonal Effectiveness. In this group, we focus on learning...

Parenting for More Effect – Impart and Implement III: The Why
April 9, 2021

So far this year, my blogs have been focused on how we can parent for more effect. Specifically, during a time of a pandemic, social distancing, and isolation. Also, generally, as we get closer and closer to “normal times.”...

The Importance of Gratitude
April 9, 2021

Practicing gratitude in our daily lives can have multiple benefits on our mental and even our physical health.  One definition of gratitude that I like is, “the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself and represents a...

Healthy Relationships Between Parents and Teens
April 9, 2021

Healthy Relationships between Parents & Teens require good communication. A healthy relationship is one that is based on respect, honesty, trust, communication, individuality, safety, support, and acceptance. Here are some tips for communication that will help foster a healthy...

Declutter Your Mental Space
April 9, 2021

Springtime is here! Spring is a season of rebirth and growth for so much of the beautiful nature we see around us. The extra evening sunlight often leads to increased feelings of productivity and more movement. As a result...

Pandemic Persistence
March 22, 2021

Throughout 2020 and 2021, we have navigated countless changes and losses related to the spread of COVID-19. We have postponed celebrations, mourned for loved ones, felt the loss of time and resources, and endured countless other difficulties and trials....

The Relationship between Dyslexia and Anxiety
March 19, 2021

There have been growing numbers in children with the learning disorder, Dyslexia. This can be described as difficultly reading, retrieving words to use, and sounds in language. When you hear “learning disorder” you may think there is a lack...

Respectful Parenting – Part 1
March 19, 2021

I am privileged to be the mother of 3 young men ages 24, 22, and 19. The blessing came only after a 4-year struggle with infertility wherein I went through almost every fertility procedure known at the time to...

Attachment and Your Child
March 12, 2021

A secure attachment is the foundation for a child’s responses, their interactions with others, their expectations of you and the family as a whole. When a child is attached to a parent, they are significantly less likely to have...

Understanding ADHD
March 12, 2021

In today’s culture, it is common to overuse and over-diagnose someone with ADHD. Many parents wonder what “ADHD” truly is and how can they help their child who struggles with it. According to the Child Mind Institute, ADHD is...