Parity of Mental Health and Substance Use Benefits with Other Benefits: Using Your Employer-Sponsored Health Plan to Cover Services
February 11, 2016

If you are someone who is trying to figure out how to use your health coverage provided by your employer to pay for your mental health or substance use services – this sheet is for you. Your health plan...

ABA, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation release first national study on attorney substance use, mental health concerns
February 11, 2016

Hazeldon Betty Ford Foundation Feb. 3, 2016 – A new, landmark study conducted by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs reveals substantial and widespread levels of problem drinking and other...

Understanding Addiction’s 3 Stages Could Help Us Treat The Disease
February 8, 2016

Addiction actually changes the brain. Huffington Post (1/28) Experts who research addiction have long argued that it is a disease of the brain. Now, in a new paper, they present a model of addiction, broken down into three key...

Supporting a Teen with a Mental Illness
February 8, 2016

Your son or daughter was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and you took them to see a therapist – now what? As your role shifts from being a parent, to parent of a teen struggling with a mental illness, there...

Teach Your Kids to Swim
February 8, 2016

If your child is struggling with anxiety he is likely feeling panicked over projects, staying up late with homework, or lacking the motivation to even get out of bed to get to school. Of course, every parent knows that...

Americans Deserve Excellence in Mental Health Care Reform
December 17, 2015

This week, Linda Rosenberg, President and CEO of the National Council for Behavioral Health published a Huffington Post article calling for an end to the incarceration of people with serious mental illness and substance abuse disorders. In “Stop Locking...

Why Family Traditions Matter
December 3, 2015

Let’s face it: the Christmas season can be both joyful and stressful. While it’s beautiful to see kids get excited about Christmas, to watch them excitedly open presents from Santa, and to have time together as a family, it...

Supporting a Child with a Mental Illness
November 18, 2015

So you took your son or daughter to see a counselor – now what do you do? As your role shifts from being a parent to parent of a child struggling with a mental illness there may be a...

Body Image and Vanity
November 18, 2015

Living life through the eyes of a woman is an amazing experience, but it is not always easy. Often It seems that everywhere we look we are sharply confronted with ideal images of what we should look like, how...

Giving Thanks Beyond Thanksgiving
November 17, 2015

Did you know gratitude is often associated with being a happier person? According to research published by psychologists Dr. Robert Emmons at the University of California and Dr. Michael McCullogh at the University of Miami, people who wrote things...