Should I Get My Child Tested for ADHD?
October 27, 2014

A child’s eyes dart from one part of the classroom to another. He blurts out answers before his name is called by his teacher. He fidgets with his hands and will not keep his legs still while seated. He...

Recovering from Miscarriage
October 22, 2014

Every day couples across the world hope and pray for babies. Women take their basal body temperature, track their ovulation, and take injections with the hope and desire to see those two beautiful lines from their home pregnancy test....

Rebecca Marshall Joins Summit Counseling Center
October 14, 2014

The Summit Counseling Center in Johns Creek, Georgia is pleased to announce the offering of psycho-educational and neuropsychological assessments by Rebecca L. Marshall, Ph.D. Dr. Marshall has over 15 years of clinical and research experience assessing learning disabilities, attention...

The Cost of Not Caring  
October 10, 2014

As my wife Cathy and I are on our final descent into San Francisco, I cannot help but feel the irony of seeing the Golden Gate Bridge off the right side of our plane and knowing that it is...

Protecting Your Child From A Bully
October 10, 2014

There are few things more frightening to an adolescent than being the victim of a bully. The National Center on Educational Statistics reports that 28% of children in 6th to 12th grade have admitted to being a victim of...

Summit Counseling Center Appoints Cathy Murphy as Director of Operations
September 5, 2014

The Summit Counseling Center is pleased to announce that Cathy Murphy has been promoted to Director of Operations. In her role, Cathy will serve on the executive team to provide oversight of the Summit’s procedures and operations. “Over the...

Laura Arcuragi Joins Summit Counseling Center
September 2, 2014

The Summit Counseling Center is pleased to announce that Laura Arcuragi has joined their team as a Staff Therapist and the Director of their new DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Program. Laura brings years of concentrated experience and intensive training...

Summit Counseling Center Opens Satellite Location at Johns Creek UMC
September 1, 2014

The Summit Counseling Center announces their recent partnership with Johns Creek United Methodist Church. The Summit will be partnering with JCUMC to provide individual, couples, and family counseling at the church’s campus located at 11180 Medlock Bridge Rd., Johns...

Discernment Counseling for Couples on the Brink of Divorce
December 23, 2013

A common scenario in marriage therapy is what has been termed the “mixed agenda couple:” one partner desperately wants to work on and save the marriage, while the other partner is ready to call it quits and file for...

Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable!
October 30, 2013

This famous quote rings true to many of us throughout our lives. After joining a student organization in college, this quote was emphasized at the beginning of every meeting for us to understand the importance of time. It stuck...