Why Building Resilience is so Important
January 16, 2024

Resilience involves maintaining an encouraging mindset, perseverance, and the ability to learn and grow from adversity. Resilient individuals display mental and emotional strength, allowing them to cope with and navigate difficult situations successfully. Students who are resilient are better...

Preparing for Finals
January 16, 2024

As finals are approaching, it is a common time where students might get overly stressed and burnt out. Here are some tips to help prevent burnout and reduce stress. Since this is a higher-pressure time, it’s unreasonable to think...

Avoiding the Holiday Blues
January 3, 2024

It’s cold outside, and for some people, the bleakness of outside seeps in. This is known clinically as seasonal depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) usually starts in the fall, lasts into the winter months, and resolves in spring and...

The Power of Play Time
January 3, 2024

Many children are involved in increasingly rigorous academic programs. Parents who want their children to have a better life often focus intensely on academics and neglect play. Neglecting to prioritize play can have the opposite effect that parents want...

“Will My Child Grow Out of It?” The Crucial Role of Early Intervention for Young Children with Behavior Issues
January 3, 2024

As parents, we often find ourselves wondering whether our child’s challenging behavior is just a passing phase or something more significant. The common belief is that children will grow out of biting, defiance, tantrums, destructive, aggressive, hyperactive, or anxious...

My Child is Struggling with Their Body Image – How Can I Help Them?
January 3, 2024

Anyone can struggle with body image; Research shows that children as young as 3 years old can have body image concerns. As a therapist who works with children and teens, this question comes up a lot from parents. And...

Tips for Stress-Free Living and Working in the New Year
January 3, 2024

With the new year coming in and things starting to settle down from the holidays, this may be a great time to start applying coping ideas to help relieve stress in life and at work. Write down your purpose...

How to Cope with Grief during the Holidays
January 3, 2024

The holidays are “supposed to” bring joy and peace, but many people do not have that experience as they are coping with the loss of a loved one. No matter when the loss occurred, the holidays can be an...

Chronic Pain Series: Pain and the Holidays
January 3, 2024

As we enter into the holiday season, there are so many exciting, fun, and busy activities, events, and to-dos on our list. This can be a point for individuals to take a break, slow down, and spend time with...

It’s Time to Rest: 5 Types of Rest to Add Into Your Routine
January 3, 2024

Whenever we are facing a season that can bring with it times of busyness and activity, it can also be a great time to prioritize rest. We all may think of different things when we think about rest. Rest...